Monday, July 26, 2010

happy 100th birthday, great grandma!

My family threw a huge birthday party this past weekend for my great grandmother who turns 100 years old today! It is so cool to be able to say that she’s had the most amazing longevity of anyone I’ve ever known.

My great grandmother, Rosaria Bianchi Proia, was born in Fontana Liri, Italy on July 26th, 1910. She was one of ten children and immigrated to the United States when she was 20 years old. She has 4 children, 10 grandchildren, dozens of great grandchildren and TWO great-great grandchildren! If that’s not awesome - I’m not sure what is!

She was honored twice with the declaration of her own day - “Rosaria Bianchi Proia Day” which now falls on the 26th of July in the city of Chili, NY as well as in the entire county of Monroe. :) Pope Benedict XVI himself cordially imparted the requested Apostolic Blessing on the occasion of her 100th birthday involving abundant graces. She was bestowed with a plaque from the Pope, honoring and celebrating her life, along with a blessed American flag that was flown over the United States capitol on July 7th by the request of the members of Congress.

It’s difficult to find the words that properly express the excitement and happiness that I share with my entire family that such a wonderful, caring woman has been able to experience a life far longer than most will ever have. My great grandmother has seen places, met people and been apart of adventures that have shaped her into one of the most brilliant people I know.

I wish her all of the love, health and prosperity from here on and look forward to being apart of more of her birthdays in years to come. I love you, great grandma. Happy 100th birthday!!