I'm more than proud to be able to say that my great grandmother's 100th birthday is coming up this year in July! I mean, how cool is that?! We're so excited for her and so impressed that still to this day, she's a complete firecracker and standing strong. :) This party is going to be one that means a lot to our family (and hopefully we can get her on the Today Show's Smuckers Jar 100th birthday shout-out with Willard Scott!). My grandma was looking through some older pictures in her attic so she could put together a collage for the party and came across a handful of me and my twin sister Christina from when we were little. I think they're entirely amusing, so I thought I'd share a few.
Apparently my grandfather thought it'd be funny to set us up with some alcoholic beverages for a "drunken" photoshoot while my Mom was at work. My turn with drunk face.

My sister's turn with drunk face.
Time for cute faces. :)

One of our favorite places to be when we were younger.

Best Halloween costume ever! These were handmade by my Mom. She was crafty enough to make our costumes every year. Hopefully we'll scrounge up a picture of our unicorn costumes, 'cause those were fantastic as well.

We Milke's make our own homemade maple syrup and mine and my twin's favorite thing to do was drink the maple sap straight from the tree. It tastes like sugar water and it's delicious!

My sister's turn with the tap.

And last but not least, this is the way my grandfather used to lug the two of us around... By the back of our pants. Hey, whatever works, right? :) Love you, grandpa.
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